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Alexandre Pires

Developer + Designer, Animator, Photographer, and Illustrator

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What I do:

Portfolio, Skills-set and others..

CodeCove Innovations

Designing the future of the Internet

Online Store

Get Inspired and Streamline Your Workflow with Our Selection of Web Templates, Apps, and Color Grading Pre-Sets/LUTs

Hello there

My name is Alex, I live in Porto, Portugal working as a Front-end Developer + Designer as Freelancer and Part-Time Photographer.

My journey into code started when I took a high school degree in IT Systems Management and Programming Technician (lvl 4) in which I was introduced to Front-end, Back-end, Operating Systems, How to assemble and manage Networks, together with a range of subjects such as Portuguese, Mathematics, English and all necessary to academic development. In the university I took a Sports degree, but my passion for computers always remained.

Before the covid outbreak I started re-learning by myself some Front-End basics like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, which led me to go back to school, this time in Porto to a Front-End Devopment bootcamp on EDIT.. There I learned more about HTML, CSS, JavaScript and also introduced me to UX Design, Responsive Web Development and React Foundations.

Time passed and I increased my knowledge and skills. Being comfortable with code allows me to rapidly prototype and validate experiences. Interested in the tools and software? I use check out my uses page.

In my spare time I like to go to the gym and workout, travel, play video games and create digital content. Feel free to drop me a line.

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